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Istanbul (Turkey), 09/06/2023.- Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola (R) speaks to his player Julian Alvarez during a training session of the team on the eve of the UEFA Champions League Final, in Istanbul, Turkey, 09 June 2023. Manchester City face Inter Milan in the UEFA Champions League Final in Istanbul on 10 June 2023. (Liga de Campeones, Turquía, Estanbul) EFE/EPA/SEDAT SUNA
Istanbul (Turkey), 09/06/2023.- Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola (R) speaks to his player Julian Alvarez during a training session of the team on the eve of the UEFA Champions League Final, in Istanbul, Turkey, 09 June 2023. Manchester City face Inter Milan in the UEFA Champions League Final in Istanbul on 10 June 2023. (Liga de Campeones, Turquía, Estanbul) EFE/EPA/SEDAT SUNA SEDAT SUNAEFE


Guardiola sobre Julián Álvarez: “Ganamos todo juntos”

El entrenador aprovechó la rueda de prensa previo a su compromiso en la Community Shield para explicar el traspaso del futbolista argentino al Atlético de Madrid.
